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Linden Law Partners Represents SolarLeadFactory in Acquisition by Enphase Energy

Linden Law Partners is pleased to announce that our client SolarLead Factory was acquired by Enphase Energy, a public global energy tech company that utilizes a smart mobile app to enable people to harness the sun to make, use, save, and sell their own power.

Founded in 2012, Solar Lead Factory provides high-quality leads to solar installers. Solar Lead Factory combined with En phase Energy with the objective of substantially increasing lead volumes and conversion rates to help drive down the customer acquisition costs for solar installers.

With this strategic merger, Solar Lead Factory and En phase Energy are poised to revolutionize the solar industry by providing a comprehensive solution that optimizes lead generation, improves conversion rates, and ultimately accelerates the adoption of clean, renewable energy.

Linden Law Partners was lead deal counsel for Solar Lead Factory and its founders for the transaction.

You can read the full press release in Yahoo Finance here